Registration will open for ALL Spring Sports will Open Monday, January 27!!  Please follow instructions below:


Chatfield Winter sports include:

Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Girls Soccer

Boys Swimming, Girls Tennis, Track & Field

Boys Volleyball (offered @ Bear Creek)




Spring Practices start Monday, February 17th for Boys Swim/Dive 

Spring Practices/Tryouts start Monday, February 24th for all other Sports

 Check the sport athletic sites for more details per sport.  


Athletes must be cleared by the athletic department in order to try out/practice.

An email will be sent when athlete is cleared.


Athletic Registration- PLEASE READ ALL DIRECTIONS Carefully


Registrations need to be completed by Friday, February 21st for the Athletic Department

to have enough time to clear all registrations before the season practices start. 


STEP 1: Get a Sports Physical

Students in grades 9-12 registering for athletics must have a current physical examination on file with the Athletic Office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. Physicals are current for 12 months from the date of the last exam.  

  • If you don't have a current sports physical, make an appointment with your doctor ASAP or you can also go to the Little Clinic at King Soopers or Healthcare Clinic at Walgreens and get a sport physical. You will need to upload a copy of the physical during Step 4 of the registration process. Click here for the form you can bring to your physician.
  • If you previously registered online and you still have a current physical it will be in your account. Make sure to verify the date.

Please DO NOT bring your physical paper to the Main Office. It must be uploaded to your registration account.  You can upload a pdf or take a picture and upload it.


STEP 2: You will need your student's Jeffco Student ID to register.

Students who attend a Jeffco school already have a Student ID number.

If your student is new to Jefferson County, is a home-schooled student, attends a private school, and plans to participate in sports at Chatfield Senior High School (or any Jeffco high school), they will need a Jeffco Student ID. If your student attended pre-school, kindergarten, or any grade at a Jeffco school years ago, they already have a Jeffco ID. To find out what it is, please contact Mrs. Flynn. Email her at tyra.flynn@jeffco.k12.co.usDo not create another Jeffco account!

If you are certain your student never attended a Jeffco school, you will need to obtain your new student ID by calling the Jeffco district office at 303-982-6500.



          Click on the sporting icon at the bottom of this page and start the online registration. If you are new to the online registration process You will create a Family account, then you                    will receive an email with a link to continue with registration. Click on the link and complete the seven-part registration. If you have previously registered for a sport, log into                your family account and click register student. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNTOnce you have completed your registration you will wait to receive a cleared email from              the athletic department. 

(If you cannot remember the password DO NOT make another account--

Please use the help bar on the site or reach out to tyra.flynn@Jeffco.k12.co.us)


***Transfer Students***

If you are new to Chatfield from a previous high school you will need to complete some additional paperwork including an application through Chsaa.  Please contact Ms. Flynn in the office to start the application.  Transfer students will need to complete the CHSAA Transfer form. Foreign exchange students will need to complete a foreign exchange application.  Athletes attending a different school or homeschool will need to complete a non-attending form (this form will be emailed to you from Ms. Flynn). Transfer students do not include 8th graders coming into Chatfield. 

  • Transferring to Chatfield from another high school.  Email Ms. Flynn at tyra.flynn@jeffco.k12.co.us and she will start the application process for you.
  • A Foreign Exchange student. Email Ms. Flynn at tyra.flynn@jeffco.k12.co.us and she will start the foreign exchange application for you.


District Athletic Fee - $185

The athletic fee is $185. It will be posted to your Infinite Campus account the after practice/tryouts begin. Log on at that time to pay your fees.

Students on the Free and Reduced Lunch program do not need to pay the $185 fee, however, they must still pay any team fees.

This fee is separate from any Booster or team fees you may have.


 Click the icon below to begin the registration process

Registration Icon

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration please email tyra.flynn@jeffco.k12.co.us 

Tyra Flynn - Athletic Assistant
Phone: 303-982-3555
Email: tyra.flynn@jeffco.k12.co.us
Jon Watson - Athletic Director
Phone: 303-982-2721
Email: jon.watson@jeffco.k12.co.us